Mac and Windows

If you install V2 on the same computer as V1, it should automatically load your old progress. If it doesn't:
  1. Open Syntorial 2.0
  2. Go into the File menu at the top
  3. Select Load User
  4. Navigate to where you store your V1 progress (probably Documents/Syntorial) and load it


Two ways to do this:

  1. In 2.0, go into the Menu at the top left
  2. Select Load User
  3. Select Dropbox
  4. Go to wherever you store your progress file (.syn) in Dropbox and load it

  1. Update V1 to the latest version (1.7.000 or higher)
  2. Open V1, go into the Menu at the top left, scroll down to the bottom and select "Export Users to V2". 
  3. After you finish exporting, open V2, go into the Menu at the top left, select Load User -> iPad -> and you should see your V1 user there.